Bright Hope widows support program supporting those widows who have no skill or enough education to get some job or to do some work. Empowerment of women is not restricted to any specific class or group of women. Empowerment is the requirement of all women equally to avoid redundancy.Widows and young girls support project have two phase.
First Phase
Providing minimum needs like food, health,sanitation
Second Phase
Skilled Development Project
Self employment and self help groups
Empowerment of Women Through Employment
In the year of 2019 we are working on first phase of empowerment of women this year we reach to as many as we can so dear brothers and sister i am inviting you to be partner with us or would you like too partner with us? Financial partners are sowing into the kingdom prosperity and you will reap directly from what the Lord is doing in this ministry. We see powerful transformation and restoration of lives that nothing but Gods power can achieve. This is a kingdom minded ministry with one purpose- to obey the direction of the Lord promptly, healing the sick. reaching to unreached making Jesus famous into every nation.